Saturday, April 30, 2016

Hello Everyone! I am Cindy!

Welcome to my blog, Forever Families! 
I am writing this blog to let everyone know that they 
can have a happy marriage and a happy family!
Yes, it is possible!
A little about myself. 
I am a wife, mother, friend, daughter, sister, homemaker, caregiver, church teacher, substitute teacher, and student.
I wear a lot of hats in my life! 
However, I wouldn't  be as  happy if I didn't 
have them in my so called "hat box". 
You see this is my life and I enjoy it. 
I think I mentioned that I was a student. 
I attend Brigham Young University Idaho. 
I am a Marriage and Family Major. 
I am learning many wonderful things and many new insights about what life is like in a marriage and family. 
I feel that I have some expertise in this field.
 I have been married for 28 years! 
For those 28 years I have been best friends with 
a man that I call my husband. 
For nearly 26 years, I have been friends 
with 3 other folks, called my kids! 
Just recently, we added a wonderful new daughter-in law! 
Life really can't get much better or can it? 
That is the question I hope to find the answer too!
I hope you will enjoy reading this blog. 
I hope you will be able to learn from it as well. 
Thank you for joining in with me!  

Here is my wonderful family
 hanging out with the Australian Bee Gees! 


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